Cannabis use delays Neil Young’s application for U.S. Citizenship. Young, a Canadian songwriter wants to vote for Donald J Trump in U.S. in 2020 elections.

If you thought, consuming cannabis does not matter in your application to become a U.S. citizen, think again!

Neil Young’s honesty answer to immigration officers concerning his cannabis use has delayed the approval of his application for dual citizenship by the U.S. immigration department.

Addressing his fans via a letter posted on his website, Neil Young recounted a call by the immigration department to retake the citizenship test despite having passed the test earlier.

Young, a songwriter hailing from Canada stated, “due to my use of marijuana and how some people who smoke it have a problem,” he was asked to retake the test.

An article published on the Independent echoes an immigration policy clause that Jeff Sessions, a former attorney general proposed during his tenure that states: “An applicant who is involve in certain marijuana-related activities may lack GMC (Good Moral Character) if found to have violated federal law, even if such activity is not unlawful under applicable state of foreign laws.”

Addressing his fans, Young wrote, “I sincerely hope I have exhibited good moral character and will be able to vote my conscience on Donald J Trump and his fellow American candidates (as yet un-named).”

The Canadian Song writer who lived in the U.S. in the late sixties expressed his desire to secure dual citizenship to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections in 2020. He went on to mention Donald J Trump as his favorite presidential candidate of choice.

In his response to the Los Angeles Times in October 2019, Young boasted his commitment to remitting taxes and the pride of his American family in his bid to register his opinion.