Aphria seeks implementing several changes, including changes to our labels, our oil products, and the medical cannabis product selection process.


Important Changes to Aphria Medical Products


At Aphria, we believe that we have a duty to stay accountable to you, our patients, as well as to the medical community. Because of this, we’re implementing several changes, including changes to our labels, our oil products, and the medical cannabis product selection process.


1. Product labels have been simplified

Staring mid-April, you’ll notice new, simplified labels on your Aphria medical products. These labels put the information that’s most relevant to patients front and center: the product name, cannabinoid content(CBD, THC, etc.) and product potency. Additional product information can be found on our website and patient portal.

You’ll see other changes to the labels such as health warnings and a THC symbol, which are required for all cannabis products under the Cannabis Act.


2. New descriptive names for oil products based on potency

You’ll also notice a change to the names of our oil products. Aphria’s oil products will no longer use the names of Canadian lakes. Instead we are moving to cannabinoid and potency descriptive names, to better communicate their medicinal effects.

For example, Capilano oil will be renamed THC:CBD 10:13. This indicates that the product contains 10mg/ml of THC, and 13mg/ml of CBD.

By putting the focus on the cannabinoid content and potencies of a medical cannabis product, it becomes simpler for patients and healthcare practitioners to choose the appropriate product for their medical needs.

Dried cannabis products will continue to use the names of Canadian lakes (ex. Bienville).


3. Improved product selection process

As the scientific community’s understanding of medical cannabis has evolved, so has the approach to product selection. Based on the best evidence available, the preferred method for selecting a medical product is to consider its a) cannabinoid content (ex. THC, CBD) and b) product format (ex. dried, oil). Following these criteria, the terpene content of a product can be considered.

Recent studies have shown that classifying cannabis as sativa/indica/hybrid is not a reliable predictor of effects. This system is used to describe the physical traits of a cannabis plant (height, leaves, etc). Although this information will still be available on Aphria’s website, patients and health care practitioners are encouraged to consider other factors when selecting their medical cannabis products. For this reason, you’ll notice more information on our website to help guide your decisions, such as the terpene profiles of each product and supporting information that lets you know what terpenes are, and what they do.


4. High THC oils offering simplified from two to one

As of April 15, 2019, we will be simplifying our THC oil offering to one high THC oil, THC 20:1 (previously Champlain Indica). This oil will contain the same amount of THC and the same levels of the terpene beta caryophyllene as previously found in both Champlain Sativa and Indica oils.


If you have any questions about these changes, please contact our Patient Care Team at 1 (844) 427-4742 or [email protected].

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